Seeking interesting problems to solve with code

I am a little sad to say that I am now ex-Canonical. Canonical provided me with ten years of challenges and interesting problems to solve. I am seeking new opportunities to solve interesting problems with code.

I don't like the e-mails I am getting from recruiters. They splat skills and locations into an email without description of the challenges a position involves. I love working in Python, Ubuntu, and Cloud (Openstack, AWS, GCE, Rackspace, Joyent, MaaS), but these tools are not interesting without a problem that needs solving. For the past decade, I have been in the grand position of building web apps and workflow tools, designing them, coding them, testing them, deploying them, and maintaining them. The Juju QA team was a devops where I designed and created the build, test, and release processes. I deployed and maintained more than 40 services in public and private clouds. The Juju project is multi-OS, multi-architecture, multi-cloud, and client-server; it is awesome. I love owning and doing everything.

My resumé (Curtis_Hovey_Resume) is a broad outline of what I have been doing.